Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Book Spotlight: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

At Patchwork Preschool, we know that every kid loves a chance to be in charge and feel grown-up.  That's why children relate so well to "Pigeon" and his child-like tactics used in persuading the reader to let him drive the bus!  With simple, yet expressive illustrations, comical situations, and a very strong-willed pigeon, you'll be asked to read this one over and over as your child feels empowered by the ability to be in command and the authority to finally say "NO!"  Patchwork Preschool gives this book 5 stars - Do you like it too?

Contributed by Rebecca Nielsen - Provo, UT

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of it but never read it. Thanks for the tip!
